Jacob E. Manch Elementary Thunderbirds

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Mr. Brandon Danowski - Principal

Hello amazing Thunderbirds community.  My name is Brandon Danowski.  I am excited and humbled to be the principal of J.E. Manch Elementary.  I have always had the dream to be in education and now I work for the best students, staff, and communities in CCSD. 
Below is a link to my personal Google Website that I will be continuously update along with a link to a biography, Core Beliefs and a Review Journal Article.  
Core Beliefs
1. When a school is dedicated to their students, the students will be dedicated to their school
2. Let the question - "Is this good for students?" - guide all decisions.
3. “The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice.”--Peggy O'Mara 
4. "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." --Steve Jobs
Review Journal Article